Wikidot Commands

1. Introduction

The website consists of pages of text files which you can add, edit or delete. (It is also possible to attach any type of file e.g. Word; Excel; Access files and Photographs).
At the bottom of each page you will see a set of commands:

edit tags discuss history files print site tools options

The only command you will use of these to edit pages is edit. When you hit edit you will see that a set of icons appears at the top of the page. When you hover your mouse over them text appears that tells you what the icon is for. These commands just put characters around text e.g text gives bold text. You can equally well copy something you have previously got to work and modify.

2. Editing Pages

To find the page that you want to edit you need to either:
- go to the page on the menu structure or
- use the command on the left margin List all Pages to find your page
- Hit edit
- After editing click Save

3. Adding text from a Word file on the same Page

- Go to the page where you want to add the text from a Word file
- Hit edit
- Put your cursor where you like to add the text.
- Open your own Word document & click Edit/Select All. Click Edit/Copy
- Go back to your Wiki page and paste your transcript
- Click Save

4. Adding text from a Word file as a New Page

- Go to the page where you want to add the text from a Word file as a new page.
- Hit edit
- Put your cursor where you like to create a page to hold the text.
- Click Page Link
- Type a name for your new page name (this shows as Page name)
- Click Save
- Click on your page name
- Click on Create page
- Open your own Word document & click Edit/Select All. Click Edit/Copy
- Go back to your Wiki page and paste your transcript
- Click Save

You might want to add a return path text at the end of the page.
For this page it is:
Back to Home

You need to go back into Edit mode on your page to add these commands.

Note: You can check the names of pages by the command on the left margin List all Pages. If you add a page with spaces in the name like "Sport and Leisure" then the Page name is "Sport-and-Leisure". So to return to this page it is:
Back to Sport-and-Leisure

5. Headings

+ Level 1 Heading
++ Level 2 Heading
+++ Level 3 Heading
++++ Level 4 Heading
+++++ Level 5 Heading
++++++ Level 6 Heading

The @@ means that the text is seen as raw text and not as Wikidot commands.

6. Coloured text

Red text
Red bold text
Blue text

7. Different size text

11 point text
14 point Red bold text

8. Alignment

Centred text

Left text

Right text

9. Collapsible Blocks

10. Attaching Files to a Page

Any type of file can be attached to a page. At the bottom of each page you will see a set of commands:

edit tags discuss history files print site tools options

- Click on files
- Click on Upload new file
- Click on Browse
- Find your file & click on Upload file
- The file will be displayed at the bottom of the page

11. Inserting attached image files onto a page

- Go to the page and click on edit
- Click on insert image wizard
- Select attached file
- Highlight filename "Image_Test.jpg" (this only works for files attached to this page)
- Choose image size
- Choose position (Note: this is again alignment)
- Click on insert code


When the above image is clicked then the full-size image is displayed.

You can set the size by the commands width and height


By adding a "link file" then the image can call up a URL code i.e. a different website. Try the one below (to see how this is done then go into edit mode on this page):


The alternative way to display an image file is to include the pathname for the image file:

NOTE: A free Wikidot website is only allowed 300Mb and the maximum size of one file allowed is 10Mb. Photographs should be added that are no more than 200Kb. You should set your camera to LOW resolution - no more than 2 Megapixels. If you want to attach images that are larger you should use a tool like PaintshopPro to compress the file size.

12. Inserting Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Access files onto your page

There are 2 ways that you can add Word, Excel and Powerpoint files onto your page
- link to them so that they call up the original programs - but this option requires the programs to be installed on the user's PC
- link to them as web pages (only works if no photographs)

Recommendation: include links to these files by both ways on your pages
Note: This may be the easiest way to add complex Word files with tables as creating Wikidot tables is difficult

12.1 Link and call up original programs

As an example take an Excel files that you want to call up as Excel files on your page:
- attach the Excel file to the page - see Section 10
- right click on the attached file and select properties
- copy the www address
- go into edit mode on your page
- paste the www address at the appropriate location
- see

This would equally work for Word and Powerpoint files.
Word file:
Access file:

12.2 Link as Web pages

For Excel files views that you want displayed in your pages:
- you need to go into Excel
- call up your file and save a view as a webpage (htm)
- attach the htm file to your page - see Section 10
- right click on the attached file and select properties
- copy the www address
- go into edit mode on your page
- paste the www address at the appropriate location
- see

For Word files that you want displayed in your pages (only use if no images):
- you need to go into Word
- call up your file and save a view as a webpage (htm)
- attach the htm file to your page - see Section 10
- right click on the attached file and select properties
- copy the www address
- go into edit mode on your page
- paste the www address at the appropriate location
- see

For Powerpoint files that you want displayed in your pages:
- you need to go into Word
- call up your file and save a view as an image file (jpg)
- attach the jpg file to your page - see Section 10
- right click on the attached file and select properties
- copy the www address
- go into edit mode on your page
- paste the www address at the appropriate location
- see

For Access you would need to export a view as an htm file then add as in the Excel example
- see

12.3 Add URL with Anchor Text

All the above can be displayed with the http address being hidden - you use your own text called anchor text

So My Excel File

13. Columns

Columns are provided by the div command. Examples:

And did those wheels at Christmas Time,
Ride over Cleveland’s mountains green?

Land of Hope & Glory
Land of Hope and Glory, Gasbags ride through the rain,
Following our esteemed leader, through the ache and the pain.

And did those wheels at Christmas Time,
Ride over Cleveland’s mountains green?

Land of Hope & Glory
Land of Hope and Glory, Gasbags ride through the rain,
Following our esteemed leader, through the ache and the pain.



25 Newton Road, Great Ayton
Tel: 01642 722355
Proprietors Sam & Liz Johnson; Lee Johnson
Now in its 16th year!


Sam & Liz

14. Tables

It is not possible to cut and paste tables from Word / Excel to Wikidot - you need to recreate tables. Thus for any complex table it is better to attach the Word / Excel file.

Standard Table

Thursday Time Meet at Miles - Ayt Miles Stk Main Destination Passing Suggested Pubs on route
03-Apr 6:30pm Easby 12 18 Kildale / Gribdale Battersby Royal Oak
10-Apr 6:30pm Coop 22 16 Carlton Seamer, Hutton Rudby, Potto Blackwell Ox, Station
17-Apr 6:30pm Easby 16 14 Great Broughton Ingleby loop, Middle Earth, Kirby Bay Horse, White Swan

Table with Images

Mike.jpg Chairman Mike Naoko.jpg Bike Injury Consultant Naoko
RayV.jpg President RayV Bridget.jpg Annual Dinner Organiser Bridget

Table with Combined Columns

Chairman Mike Bike Injury Consultant Naoko
RayV.jpg President RayV Bridget.jpg Annual Dinner Organiser Bridget

More Complex Table

WWWWWW HOT NEWS! Watch Marie talk about her flowers in Bloomarie. See the Royal Oak menus.WWWW
WWWWWWWWWWW Watch Gary in Edition of You shoot a photograph portfolio
WWWWGreat Ayton (click), picturesque and friendly (click) WWWW WW See inside the shops, pubs & restaurantsWW
WWWWoverlooked by Roseberry Topping (click) WW WWWWWWW and meet the staff WWWWWWWW
WCaptain James Cook (click), spent his boyhood in AytonW WW Gt Ayton SPAR marketing YOUTUBE (click) WW

15. Full Wikidot Syntax

See the full Wiki syntax:

16. Editing the Drop-down lists - Site Administrator only

- To find the Top Bar Menu either:
- List all Pages and find Top Bar Menu or
- type in
- Go into edit mode
- It is now easy to see how the menu can be altered

17. Backup - Site Administrator only

Backup is run by the Site Administrator. The backup has these features:

- It dumps out all Wiki pages as text files that can be called up as Word documents.
- It dumps out all attached files in their original format.
- All directory structure is lost

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Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License